Bobcat's READY TO READ Bingo

In partnership with the Literacy Team at Ben-Hem, the PTO is excited to bring a Literacy Challenge to students K-4. Students are asked to win BINGO by completing 5 reading challenges in a row -- up/down, across or diagonally -- to win a Backpack Pin AND your name on the Reading Wall of Fame! 

Ready to UP the challenge? Try to "Blackout the Board!" 

The challenge deadline for the SPRING

is May 10, 2019. 

Lost your BINGO card? Download it below.

2018  Fall Reading Pin:

 2019 Spring Reading Pin:

2017  Fall Reading Pin:

 2018 Spring Reading Pin:

2016  Fall Reading Pin:

 2017 Spring Reading Pin:

  Did your student win the literacy challenge? 

   Have a parent or guardian fill out the form below.

   Backpack Pins will be sent to the student's classroom.